Aflatoxin M1occurrence in samples of Grana Padano cheese

A total of 223 samples of Grana Padano cheese manufactured in 4 years (1991–94) by dairies in 11 provinces of the Po valley were checked for aflatoxin M1. Grated cheese was extracted with chloroform and the defatted extract was purified by an immunoaffinity column; aflatoxin M1 was determined by HPLC using a fluorescence detector. From the analysis of the data it has emerged that only one sample exceeded the maximum tolerated level in cheese in some European countries (250 ng/kg). Most samples (91%) were in the range 5–100 ng/kg and only 15 (6.7%) in the range 100–250 ng/kg. Notwithstanding a diffuse microcontamination, the situation regarding the AFM1 levels can be considered fairly satisfactory. Mean contamination levels of 1992 and 1994 were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those of 1993 and 1991. No significant difference was observed among provinces or dairies of origin.