Unrip is a component of SMN complexes active in snRNP assembly

A macromolecular complex containing survival of motor neurons (SMN), the spinal muscular atrophy protein, and Gemin2–7 interacts with Sm proteins and snRNAs to carry out the assembly of these components into spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). Here we report the characterization of unr-interacting protein (unrip), a GH-WD protein of unknown function, as a component of the SMN complex that interacts directly with Gemin6 and Gemin7. Unrip also binds a subset of Sm proteins, and unrip-containing SMN complexes are necessary and sufficient to mediate the assembly of spliceosomal snRNPs. These results demonstrate that unrip functions in the pathway of snRNP biogenesis and is a marker of cellular SMN complexes active in snRNP assembly