A Comprehensive Approach to Hepatic Vascular Disease

The spectrum of anatomic variants and diseases involving the vessels that supply and drain the liver are discussed to aid radiologic diagnoses and guide appropriate patient management. The liver has a complex vascular supply, which involves the inflow of oxygenated blood through the hepatic artery (systemic circulation) and deoxygenated blood through the portal vein (portal circulation), as well as the outflow of deoxygenated blood through the hepatic veins to the inferior vena cava. A spectrum of vascular variants can involve the liver. Some of these variants may result in areas of enhancement that can mimic more serious pathologic conditions. In this article, the authors discuss a spectrum of variants and pathologic conditions that may involve the liver vasculature. These include variants, anomalies, and diseases involving the portal vein, such as rudimentary portal vein, thrombosis, cavernous transformation, thrombotic angiitis, thrombophlebitis, transient hepatic attenuation difference or transient hepatic intensity difference, portal venous aneurysm, and portal vein gas. The hepatic artery can be involved by various diseases, including thrombosis, stenosis, and aneurysm or pseudoan...