Thrombocytosis in young people: Evaluation of 57 cases diagnosed before the age of 40

Over the past 13 years 57 cases of primary thrombocytosis in young people have been studied. Only patients with a platelet count over 500×109/liter and a follow-up longer than 2 years were considered. Thrombocytosis in young people represents approximately 25% of total cases referred to our department during this period. The most common causes are essential thrombocythemia (20 cases) and secondary thrombocytosis (22 cases). The highest platelet counts are found in essential thrombocythemia patients. Most of our patients were discovered by a fortuitous hematological examination. In contrast, 5 out of the polycythemic patients were recognized after a thrombosis. The same was true for 2 out of 20 essential thrombocythemia subjects. Four subjects (2 essential thrombocythemia and 2 secondary thrombocytosis) were diagnosed after hemorrhages. The overall survival was very good except for leukemic patients and thrombocytosis secondary to neoplasms. Vascular complications after diagnosis were scarce: 2 polycythemia vera patients showed bleedings during antiaggregating therapy. None of our patients developed epithelial cancer, malignant lymphoma or myelofibrosis. Vascular traumata seem more frequent in polycythemia vera regardless of age. Therefore, it seems useful to treat polycythemic patients, while no therapy seems to be indicated in other forms of thrombocytosis.