Purely Laparoscopic Pylorus-Preserving Gastrectomy With Extraperigastric Lymphadenectomy for Early Gastric Cancer

For the purpose of prevention of postgastrectomy syndrome and a less invasive and yet curative oncological resection, a purely laparoscopic pylorus-preserving gastrectomy with extraperigastric lymphadenectomy was performed for a patient with early gastric cancer located in the middle third of the stomach. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful. During his postoperative recovery, the patient experienced very little pain and used analgesic medication only one time. This operation appeared to be oncologically adequate. As of the seventh postoperative month, the patient never experienced dumping syndrome or alkaline reflux gastritis. This procedure is technically feasible and an excellent option because of its reduced surgical invasiveness and better postoperative quality of life.