Results After Meniscectomy in 147 Athletes

To ascertain the consequences of meniscectomy performed because of meniscus injury sustained during sports, 142 menisectomized athletes were seen at follow-up. The median follow-up period was 4.25 (range 2.25-11.0) yr. During the follow-up period 8% (11/142) had further surgical treatment because of new knee injuries. At the time of follow-up 15% (20/131) of the patients who underwent operation solely for the primary meniscus injury gave up sports because of knee complaints, and 12% (16/131) restricted their sporting activities. There were no complaints in 46% (60/131). In 79% (56/71) of the patients who had complaints, they started immediately after operation. The main trouble was a feeling of instability and pain on weight-bearing. The complaints correlated with the physical findings at follow-up. In 14% (18/131) there was increased collateral instability of the knee. Menisectomy causes immediate functional changes in the knee which explain the complaints. There was no correlation between complaints and radiological osteoarthrosis.