HCV direct‐acting antiviral agents: the best interferon‐free combinations

For HCV infection, there have been major advancements during last several years with large numbers of ongoing trials with various direct‐acting antivirals (DAA) showing high potency, favourable tolerability profile, higher barrier to resistance, shortened treatment duration, all oral regimen, pan‐genotypic, fewer drug interactions and reduced pill burden. By 2014, several DAAs are anticipated to complete successful phase III trials and will be commercially available. Initially, a wave of IFN‐based regimen (sofosbuvir, faldaprevir and simeprevir) will be available for treatment of HCV genotype 1. In the near future, combination of antiviral agents with additive potency that lack cross‐resistance with good safety profile will likely be the new recommended regimens, making HCV, the first chronic viral infection to be eradicated worldwide with a finite duration of combination DAA therapy without IFN or ribavirin. The aim of this review was to summarize the results obtained from recent DAA combination studies without IFN.
Funding Information
  • CFAR
  • NIH (2P30AI-050409)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs