Half of the orchards of Hungary are in Szatmár-Bereg County. The county is in North-east Hungary. The total area of this micro region (5936 km²) covers 6.6% of the country’s overall territory (90 030 km2). The most common soil types of the planted areas in Szatmár and Bereg region are acidic meadow (WRB Vertisol) and acidic sediment (WRB Fluvisol) soils, while sandy (WRB Arenosol) soils dominate the neighboring area (Nyírség). In this study several chemical parameters were investigated, including ammonium lactate (AL) soluble phosphorus and potassium content of soils of fruit plantations. Ammonium soluble phosphorus and potassium contents of soils are represent determining the current amount of phosphorus and potassium available to plants in the soil solution. We established nutrient deficiency caused by acidification of soils and the need for rational fertilization of the soils in the region. Results of soil analysis can contribute to sustainable soil and land use by considering soil and plant nutrient requirements.