Return of Erections and Urinary Continence Following Nerve Sparing Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy

We evaluated recovery of erections and urinary continence following anatomical radical retropubic prostatectomy in a series of 784 consecutive patients with clinical stage A or B prostate cancer. Nerve sparing radical prostatectomy was performed in men deemed appropriate candidates. Recovery of erections sufficient for intercourse and urinary continence were analyzed controlling for patient age, pathological tumor stage and the performance of unilateral or bilateral nerve sparing surgery in men followed for a minimum of 18 months. Erections were regained in 149 of 236 preoperatively potent men (63%) treated with bilateral and 24 of 59 (41%) treated with unilateral nerve sparing surgery. Recovery of erections correlated with patient age and pathological tumor stage in patients treated with bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Continence was regained in 409 of 435 patients (94%) and did not correlate with patient age, tumor stage or nerve sparing surgery. Anatomical radical retropubic prostatectomy can be performed with favorable results in preserving potency and urinary continence. Better results are achieved in younger men with organ confined cancer.