Cloning: Eight Years After Dolly

It is now 8 years since the birth of Dolly, the first animal produced by nuclear transfer using a donor cell population established from an adult animal. During this time, the technique of nuclear transfer has been successfully applied to a range of mammalian species for the production of offspring using a plethora of donor cell types derived from both foetal and adult tissues. In addition, when coupled with genetic manipulation of the donor cells, transgenic offspring have been produced with a range of genetic modifications including gene knockouts and gene knockings. Despite the apparent successes of the technology, the efficiency of development to live offspring has remained low and developmental abnormalities still occur. The objectives of this paper are to review some of the successes and failures of the nuclear transfer procedure since the production of Dolly. In particular, we will review the major steps in the procedure and discuss studies from our laboratory and others which have modified the procedure in ways which may impact on development.