The role of prepartum motivation in the maintenance of postpartum smoking abstinence.

Motivation plays an important role in a variety of behaviors, including smoking cessation, and is integral to theory and treatment of smoking. For many women, pregnancy offers a motivational shift that helps them stop smoking and maintain abstinence during pregnancy. However, women's motivation to maintain smoking abstinence postpartum is not well-understood and may play a role in high postpartum relapse rates. The current study utilized multiple measures of prepartum motivation to maintain smoking abstinence to predict postpartum smoking abstinence. As part of a randomized clinical trial on postpartum smoking relapse prevention, pregnant women who quit smoking during pregnancy reported their motivation to continue smoking abstinence at a prepartum baseline session. Biochemically verified continued smoking abstinence was assessed at 8 and 26 weeks postpartum. Direct relationships among multiple measures of motivation were significant, and ranged in strength from weak to moderate. All motivation measures individually predicted continuous smoking abstinence, after controlling for treatment group, demographics, and prequit tobacco use. When tested simultaneously, a global motivation measure and parenthood motives for quitting remained significant predictors of abstinence. Backward selection modeling procedures resulted in a reduced model of prepartum predictors of postpartum abstinence including global motivation, parenthood motives, and stage of change. Global motivation for smoking abstinence and parenthood motives for quitting are particularly important motivational constructs for pregnant women's continued smoking abstinence.