Cancer Research Campaign health education programme to promote the early detection of cutaneous malignant melanoma. I. Work-load and referral patterns

From 1987 to 1989 a campaign to promote the early detection of cutaneous malignant melanoma was conducted in the areas of seven health authorities in England and Scotland (total population 3.6 million). Data were collected on 17.155 patients attending pigmented lesion clinics (PLCs) in each study area during the campaign. After a dramatic rise in PLC referral rates in the first month of the campaign the average monthly referral rate among the target population in the study period settled to an average of l3 per 105, a twofold increase compared with the pre-campaign period. Over 85% of patients at all PLCs were seen within 4 weeks of referral from their general practitioners. The melanoma to non-melanoma detection ratio was (1:33). The organization of future early detection initiatives needs careful review and planning, in order to improve their effectiveness in all sections of the population, and to enable health services to cope with the increased work-toad.