Loss of Atrx Affects Trophoblast Development and the Pattern of X-Inactivation in Extraembryonic Tissues

ATRX is an X-encoded member of the SNF2 family of ATPase/helicase proteins thought to regulate gene expression by modifying chromatin at target loci. Mutations in ATRX provided the first example of a human genetic disease associated with defects in such proteins. To better understand the role of ATRX in development and the associated abnormalities in the ATR-X (alpha thalassemia mental retardation, X-linked) syndrome, we conditionally inactivated the homolog in mice, Atrx, at the 8- to 16-cell stage of development. The protein, Atrx, was ubiquitously expressed, and male embryos null for Atrx implanted and gastrulated normally but did not survive beyond 9.5 days postcoitus due to a defect in formation of the extraembryonic trophoblast, one of the first terminally differentiated lineages in the developing embryo. Carrier female mice that inherit a maternal null allele should be affected, since the paternal X chromosome is normally inactivated in extraembryonic tissues. Surprisingly, however, some carrier females established a normal placenta and appeared to escape the usual pattern of imprinted X-inactivation in these tissues. Together these findings demonstrate an unexpected, specific, and essential role for Atrx in the development of the murine trophoblast and present an example of escape from imprinted X chromosome inactivation. ATRX belongs to a class of proteins that may modify how DNA is packaged into chromatin, altering the accessibility of other proteins in the nucleus to DNA. In this way, ATRX is thought to influence gene expression. Mutations in the ATRX gene, which is located on the female sex chromosome (X), provided the first example of a human disease (ATR-X syndrome) associated with defects in such proteins. Affected males (XMUTY) have multiple developmental abnormalities in a wide variety of systems. Currently, it is not understood how proteins like ATRX influence cell biology. To address this question, the authors deleted the version of the gene in mice, Atrx. Although affected male mice (XMUTY) started to develop normally, they died early in development because they failed to form a normal placenta. In the placenta, female mice normally inactivate the X chromosome that they inherit from their fathers (Xp), so if females inherit from their mother an X chromosome (Xm) that bears the abnormal copy of Atrx (XmMUTXp), one would predict that, like affected males, they would fail to form a normal placenta. The authors unexpectedly found this not to be so. They showed, instead, that in such females the normal, paternally derived Atrx gene is active. This study has therefore demonstrated an important facet of X-chromosome imprinting.