The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of evolution on infectious diseases nursing, and propose a model that may help to increase understanding of how hosts and microorganisms co-exist and how humans can alter the delicate balance between them. Infectious diseases occur as the result of interactions between hosts and microorganisms. There is an increasing acceptance that the evolution of host and parasite is important in the development of infectious diseases. However, such views have made little impact in nursing, and the use of evolutionary interventions remains controversial. The Medline database was searched from 1966 to present using the terms pathogen$, virulen$, evolution, bacteria, and all combinations of these. Additionally reference lists of text books and papers were hand searched for relevant papers. Papers were selected from a variety of disciplines, including infectious diseases, microbiology, evolutionary biology, and ecology. Recurrent themes from these papers were identified and a model of evolutionary nursing constructed. Microorganisms are plentiful, ubiquitous, and rapidly evolving by comparison with humans and other animals. As a result of this, attempts to 'outwit' them have been, and are, doomed to failure. However, through careful management of public and personal health, a balance encouraging co-existence may be possible. A number of specific interventions is proposed. There are a number of key interventions that may reduce the virulence of microorganisms. With an increasing world population, antibiotic resistance and international travel, such an approach may be one way of reducing the morbidity associated with infectious diseases.