Long-term effects of radiation therapy for a catecholamine-producing glomus jugulare tumor

A 42-year-old woman presented with otorrhea 22 years after extracranial resection of a norepinephrine-secreting glomus jugulare tumor with intravascular embolization and radiation therapy to the intracranial portion of the tumor. Tumor growth was arrested and was associated with a decrease in blood and urine norepinephrine levels. Extensive evaluation of the otorrhea, including computerized tomography-cisternography, gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, and arteriography showed marked diffuse necrosis of the temporal bone and skull base with limited tumor vascularity. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collected from the right ear showed norepinephrine levels of 2975 pg/ml; plasma norepinephrine levels were normal. The precise site of CSF leakage could not be delineated. Exploration of the posterior fossa revealed a large dural defect at the anteromedial aspect of the petrous bone through which CSF flowed over the surface of the residual extradural glomus tumor. The defect was successfully sealed with a fascial patch. Postoperatively, CSF norepinephrine levels were normal and no further leakage was observed.