Observer Variation in Histological Classification of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma

To evaluate the variations within and between observers in the interpretation of important histological prognostic factors, a series of 96 melanoma patients was randomly selected from a database of 1691 patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma. The stained sections were examined on two occasions by four experienced pathologists. Analysis by observed agreement and kappa statistics showed maximal tumour thickness to be the best reproducible variable, with ulceration the second best. Regression was the least reproducible, with level of invasion and type of melanoma in the mid range. Intra-observer variation was uniformly less than inter-observer variation for each variable. For tumour thickness a variance component analysis was done to quantify the variability further. The clinician should not base his choice of treatment entirely on the microscopic classification but take into consideration the clinical course and appearance of the tumour.