The resonancespectra of a thin film, which possesses an in‐plane uniaxial anisotropy field H k , exhibit one or two resonance modes when the external dc field is applied along the hard axis, depending upon the respective values of the signal frequency and the natural resonance frequency f 0=γ√H k (H k +4πM s )/2π. When f≳f 0 the low‐field side mode is no longer resolved and instead a peak is detected on the absorptionspectrum. It is shown that the location and the shape of this peak are determined by the magnetization process occuring along the hard axis. The theoretical computation is based upon the hypothesis that the magnetization arises by a pure rotational mechanism, and therefore follows the Landau–Lifshitz equation of motion. The experiments were performed on CoZr–rare‐earth‐substituted amorphous thin films. The full experimental spectra can be fitted numerically with the measured magnetic parameters if one takes the effect of the large‐angle magnetization ripples in the vicinity of H≂H k into account by a phenomenological expression. This computation also makes it possible to determine an effective fluctuating field δH eff, the magnitude of which correlates nicely with the local anisotropyK loc deduced from the transverse bias initial susceptibilitymeasurements.