Novel Wide-Range Quantitative Nested Real-Time PCR Assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA: Clinical Application for Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis

Although the “gold standard” for diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is bacterial isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis , there are still several complex issues. Recently, we developed an internally controlled novel wide-range quantitative nested real-time PCR (WR-QNRT-PCR) assay for M. tuberculosis DNA in order to rapidly diagnose TBM. For use as an internal control calibrator to measure the copy number of M. tuberculosis DNA, an original new-mutation plasmid (NM-plasmid) was developed. Due to the development of the NM-plasmid, the WR-QNRT-PCR assay demonstrated statistically significant accuracy over a wide detection range (1 to 10 5 copies). In clinical applications, the WR-QNRT-PCR assay revealed sufficiently high sensitivity (95.8%) and specificity (100%) for 24 clinically suspected TBM patients. In conditional logistic regression analysis, a copy number of M. tuberculosis DNA (per 1 ml of cerebrospinal fluid) of >8,000 was an independent risk factor for poor prognosis for TBM (i.e., death) (odds ratio, 16.142; 95% confidence interval, 1.191 to 218.79; P value, 0.0365). In addition, the copy numbers demonstrated by analysis of variance statistically significant alterations ( P < 0.01) during the clinical treatment course for 10 suspected TBM patients. In simple regression analysis, the significant correlation ( R 2 = 0.597; P < 0.0001) was demonstrated between copy number and clinical stage of TBM. We consider the WR-QNRT-PCR assay to be a useful and advanced assay technique for assessing the clinical treatment course of TBM.