Chronic hyperglycemia, usually assessed from HbA1c determinations, results in excessive glycation and generation of oxidative stress. As a consequence, chronic hyperglycemia has been identified as a risk factor for diabetes complications leading to accelerated atherosclerosis. Both fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia contribute to this process. However the acute glucose fluctuations that occur in diabetes have been recently described as an additional factor that activates the oxidative stress. As a consequence, acute glucose swings, including upward (postprandial) and downward (interprandial) fluctuations can be considered as risk factors for cardiovascular events and should be included in the “dysglycemia” of diabetes in combination with fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia. As postprandial glucose is a contributor of both acute glucose fluctuations and chronic sustained hyperglycemia, it remains difficult to know whether these 2 mechanisms are equivalent or not equivalent risk factors for cardiovascular disease.