The Structural Characteristics of Video Games: A Psycho-Structural Analysis

There is little doubt that video game playing is a psychological and social phenomenon. This paper outlines the main structural characteristics of video game playing (i.e., those characteristics that either induce gaming in the first place or are inducements to continue gaming irrespective of the individual's psychological, physiological, or socio-economic status). This online study is the first ever to assess what structural characteristics (if any) are important to a group of self-selected video game players (n = 382). The main variables examined were sound, graphics, background and setting, duration of game, rate of play, advancement rate, use of humor, control options, game dynamics, winning and losing features, character development, brand assurance, and multi-player features. Although there were many major gender differences, one of the main overall findings was the importance of a high degree of realism (i.e., realistic sound, graphics, and setting). Other important characteristics included a rapid absorption rate, character development, the ability to customize the game, and multiplayer features. Suggestions for future research are outlined.

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