Applications of Genetic Distances on Blood-group Gene Frequencies and their Statistical Genetic Similarities

This paper studied the applications of genetic distances on Blood-group gene frequencies and their Statistical genetic similarities characterizing four populations, for data from Eakimo, Bantu, English and Korea. The study compared the following distances: Euclidean, squared Euclidean, Minkowski, Chebychev and City Block on the above mentioned data for the outlined countries. Correlation analysis was applied to evaluate the relationships between these countries on their blood group gene frequencies. Similarity check was also conducted to know the countries that have similar blood-group gene frequency. It was observed that Euclidean distance and Minkowski distance had equal distances. This means that the two distances are more similar in this particular data set than the other studied distances. The study revealed that Chebychev distance had the smallest neighbor distance as compared to other distances studied while City Block had the highest distance. It has been stated in literature that Chebychev and Minkowski distances are concentric circle shape, this suggests the reason behind their equality of distance. It is therefore proposed that the data may be a concentric circle data.