Supplementary Figure S5 from Radiotherapy of Human Sarcoma Promotes an Intratumoral Immune Effector Signature

Supplementary Figure S5 - PDF file 949K, Summary of radiotherapy-induced changes in human sarcoma at protein leve: IHC analysis of paired sarcoma samples before/after radiotherapy for (A) CD3 (B) CD4 (C) CD8 (D) MHC-I (E) CT7 and (F) NY-ESO-1. The horizontal bars on the bar graphs represent the median. Statistical analysis was performed for each target gene between the cohort before and after radiotherapy using the two-tailed bivariate analysis (Graphpad-Prism). The p-values of statistically different groups are displayed in the graph. The data for individual patients are shown in Fig. 2. ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level, *** Correlation is significant at the 0.001