Thermography study of skin response due to whole‐body cryotherapy

Thermography and contact thermometry were used to study the influence of body mass index (BMI) on the lowering of skin temperature caused by whole-body cryotherapy. The study was performed using the Thermovision Camera AGEMA Type 470 and A40. The thermograms of the chosen regions of interests were performed before and immediately after whole-body cryotherapy in a research room outside a cryogenic chamber where the temperature was stabilized. As an additional measurement technique during whole-body cryotherapy, contact thermometry was performed using thermocouples Ni-Cr-Ni-Al stacked to the skin surface. The results obtained showed differences in the decrease of skin temperature of predetermined body parts. The largest temperature decrease was observed on the lower extremities. Some differences in the thermal response of similar body parts influenced by the extremely low temperature, with regard to the BMI of volunteers, were observed. This was also found in the results of contact thermometry studies. The statistical analysis confirmed the results of thermography and thermometry studies. The magnitude of skin temperature decrease due to the extremely low temperature used in whole-body cryotherapy may be connected to a patient's BMI.