Safe airport operation based on innovative magnetic detector system

A novel magnetic sensing technology that forms the basis of an innovative system to monitor ground vehicle movements at airports is presented. The operating principle of this system is the detection of interaction of aircraft or ground vehicles with the earth's magnetic field using sensitive magnetic field detectors. After development and laboratory testing of the detectors, test sites have been set up at three European airports. Potential applications of the detectors were designed and demonstrated. Tests have shown that the system can be applied for ground movement surveillance. The approach can be used as a complementary surveillance system for existing and future advanced surface movement guidance and control systems (A-SMGCS) at large airports or as a cost-effective stand-alone solution for monitoring critical areas at medium and small airports. Furthermore, this system can be applied as well in road traffic and car park occupancy monitoring. Unaffected by weather conditions, interference and shadowing effects, the system provides reliable vehicle position, velocity and direction information without requiring any equipment in aircraft or ground vehicles and thus it increases airport operational safety.

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