Change in Body Condition Score of Holstein Cows as Affected by Parity and Mature Equivalent Milk Yield

Cows from 25 dairy herds were scored for body condition at 3-mo intervals for over 2 yr to study the pattern of changes during lactation and the effects of parity and milk yield capability of cows on changes in body reserves. Data were recorded for 1395 Holstein cows grouped into three parity classes and five classes of mature equivalent milk yield. The analysis model accounted for nearly 70% of the variation in body condition score. Body reserves decreased during early lactation until about 100 DIM and were restored during mid and late lactation. The pattern of change in body condition score varied among lactations and dairy merit of cows. Depletion and subsequent recovery of body reserves were less intense for primiparous cows than for multiparous cows. Loss of body condition scores was higher and more prolonged for cows of higher dairy merit. The minimum body condition score occurred at 3 mo after calving for the worst yielding cows and at 4 mo after calving for the best yielding cows; the highest yielding cows had twice the loss in body condition as the lowest yielding cows. General equations are presented as a proposed guideline to examine changes in body condition score of Holstein cows of different parities and dairy merit.