Localization of a major allergen, Der p 2, in the gut and faecal pellets of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus

The house dust mite Dermatophagoides ptronyssinus is one of the most significant indoor sensitizing agents of allergy. Allergen localization may indicate the importance of secreted materials, faeces, and nonexcreted mite body components as allergen sources. This study attempted to localize the sites and concentrations of Der p 2 in the cryostat sections of D. pteronyssinus using antirecombinant Der p 2 monoclonal antibody. Male and female mites and mite faeces collected separately from both sexes were used. Live mites were embedded and serial cryostat sections for light microscopy were performed. Anti-recombinant Der p 2 monoclonal antibody previously produced by the authors was used. For immunoprobing, mite cryostat sections were incubated in the following antibody-containing solutions: monoclonal antibody against Der p 2 was initially applied to the sections and fluorescent isothiocyanate conjugated antimouse immunoglobulin G was reacted as the secondary antibody. The faecal pellets were treated the same as described above. Immunofluorescent probing of cryostat sections with the monoclonal antibody showed labelling of the gut lining, gut contents and defecated faecal pellets. No other internal organs were identified as positively labelled. This study suggested that a major allergen, Der p 2, found in the house dust mite D. pteronyssinus is derived from the digestive tract and concentrated in the faeces.

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