The evidence is obtained from pathologic observations, embryologic considerations and observations on experimental animals. Serous, endometrial, and mucinous cystomas arise from a reversionary metaplasis of coelomic epithelium near the surface of the ovary in a manner similar to the embryogenesis of the Muellerian duct system. The histogenesis of granulosa cell tumors is related to an abnormal atresia folliculi with persistence of some granulosa cells that later give rise to the neoplasm. Experimental evidence from irradiation of animal ovaries and transplantation of ovary to spleen supports this concept. Thecomas arise from the hyperplastic ovarian cortical stroma of the post-menopausal woman. Dysgerminomas arise from rests of primitive germ cells. Benign cystic teratomas, teratocarcinomas and chorio-carcinomas are thought to arise from the pluripotential ovum. Meso-metanephromas arise from remnants of the wolffian duct commonly found in the hilar region. Arrhenoblastomas are thought to arise from gonadal mesenchyme which, through some unknown stimulus, became directed toward the male line of development.