Endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery: Indications and considerations

Recently, American otolaryngologists have become increasingly interested in endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery. This trend has been beneficial, because it has enhanced the understanding of the anatomy and pathophysiology of the sinuses. However, as with the introduction of any new surgical technique, it takes both time and experience to acquire the skills necessary to perform this procedure. To evaluate the state of endoscopic sinus surgery, we analyzed the experience of one of the authors with 100 consecutive patients undergoing therapeutic endoscopic sinus surgery over 23 months. With an average follow-up of 5 months (range: less than 1 month to 20 months), 14 patients had minor complications. The most common complication was synechia between the middle turbinate and the lateral nasal wall (six patients), resulting in revision surgery in four patients. Eighty-three patients were judged as having significantly improved after surgery, while ten were improved but had one episode of sinusitis postoperatively. The results of this series suggest that endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery is an efficacious advance in the treatment of sinusitis, given the limitations discussed in this report.