Immunocytochemical localization of nerve growth factor: effects of fixation.

The fixation dependence of immunocytochemically demonstrable nerve growth factor (NGF) was investigated. Several commonly used fixation methods have been employed, including buffered formaldehyde, Bouin's fluid, and chloroform-methanol, as well as freezing and cryostat sectioning. The immunostaining technique was an immunoenzyme bridge procedure on either paraffin sections or frozen sections. Of those methods tested, fixation for 1 hr in a buffered formaldehyde appeared to provide optimal preservation and localization of immunoreactive material. Using this method, reaction product was localized in granules of the granular tubule cells of the male mouse submandibular gland. Prolonged fixation in buffered formaldehyde resulted in a diffuse background staining and loss of granule immunoreactivity. In frozen sections and in tissues fixed with either Bouin's solution, chloroform-methanol, or buffered paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde increased cytoplasmic background staining and loss of granule immunoreactivity were observed. It was concluded that, for the localization of NGF at the light microscopic level, a brief (1 hr) buffered formaldehyde fixation is optimal.