New Insights into the Pathophysiology of Acquired Cytopenias

This review addresses three related bone marrow failure diseases, the study of which has generated important insights in hematopoiesis, red cell biology, and immune-mediated blood cell injury. In Section I, Dr. Young summarizes the current knowledge of acquired aplastic anemia. In most patients, an autoimmune mechanism has been inferred from positive responses to nontransplant therapies and laboratory data. Cytotoxic T cell attack, with production of type I cytokines, leads to hematopoietic stem cell destruction and ultimately pancytopenia; this underlying mechanism is similar to other human disorders of lymphocyte-mediated, tissue-specific organ destruction (diabetes, multiple sclerosis, uveitis, colitis, etc.). The antigen that incites disease is unknown in aplastic anemia as in other autoimmune diseases; post-hepatitis aplasia is an obvious target for virus discovery. Aplastic anemia can be effectively treated by either stem cell transplantation or immunosuppression. Results of recent trials with antilymphocyte globulins and high dose cyclophosphamide are reviewed.