Intracardial Arteriographic Study on Vascular Changes in Amputated Rabbits

The vascular changes in rabbits after amputation were studied in vitro with arteriography, after intracardial injection of contrast. In the amputated extremity an initial vasoconstriction of the arteries was found. Thereafter changes were observed in arteries and veins, both in the operated and contralateral extremities, depending on the level of amputation and the manner in which the stump was closed. After amputation distally on the extremity and after stump closure without myoplasty arteriovenous shunting was observed in the amputation stump. Artcriovenous shunts were not seen after knee disarticulation and after proximal amputation on crus with myoplasty. Inactivity of the muscles in the amputation stump is supposed to be the cause of the shunt formation. After mid-femur amputation a permanent vasoconstriction of the femoral artery was observed, whereas artery dilation was seen when amputation on the femur was combined with plugging of the medullary cavity.