Prediction of root surface caries in patients treated for advanced periodontal disease

The prevalence of root surface caries prior to and after periodontal treatment, and the feasibility of using simple clinical criteria for predicting a patient''s risk of developing root surface caries following periodontal therapy were investigated. Patients (31) were given advanced periodontal treatment including periodontal surgery. At baseline they were examined for oral hygiene status, periodontal status, root surface caries experience and number of lactobacilli/ml saliva as evaluated by the Dentocult dip-slide method. Follow-up examinations 1, 2 and 4 yr after baseline showed that a majority of the patients were treated successfully and maintained in periodontal health. Root surface caries developed in .apprx. 2/3 of the patients during the 4-yr observation period. The total increment of root lesions during these years was mostly extremely low, i.e., < 5% of exposed root surfaces. In higher risk patients developing new root surface caries, significant correlations were demonstrated with initial pretreatment scorings for their previous root surface caries experience, high Lactobacillus counts and advancing age. Root surface caries incidence and low saliva secretion rates correlated significantly during the course of the study.