Excessive activation of glutamate receptors mediates neuronal death in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. The intracellular signaling pathways that mediate this type of neuronal death are only partly understood. Following mild insults via NMDA receptor activation, central neurons undergo apoptosis, but with more fulminant insults, necrosis intervenes. Caspases are important in several forms of apoptosis in vivo and in vitro. Previously, we have demonstrated that caspases are important in excitotoxicity-mediated apoptosis of cerebrocortical neurons. To determine the possible activation of caspase-3 in NMDA-induced neuronal apoptosis, we used an affinity-labeling technique: Biotinylated N-acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-aldehyde (DEVD.CHO) preferentially labels conformationally active caspase-3-like proteases, allowing us to visualize affinity-labeled caspases with streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate under confocal microscopy. NMDA-induced apoptosis of cerebrocortical neurons was associated with a time-dependent increase in conformationally active caspase-3-like proteases. The activation of caspases was apparent within 20 min of NMDA stimulation and was localized primarily in the cytosol. However, following incubation of neurons for 18-24 h, conformationally active caspase-3-like proteases were also detectable in nuclei. Double labeling with propidium iodide to detect chromatin condensation indicated that affinity-labeled caspase-3-like proteases were specifically expressed in apoptotic cells. To further confirm this, we used an antibody specific for the conformationally active fragment of caspase-3 and found largely concordant results. Moreover, preincubation with DEVD.CHO prevented NMDA-induced apoptosis. Our results suggest that caspase-3-like proteases play a major role in excitotoxin-induced neuronal apoptosis.