Small Proline-Rich Repeat Protein 1A Is Expressed by Axotomized Neurons and Promotes Axonal Outgrowth

The ability of neurons to regenerate an axon after injury is determined by both the surrounding environment and factors intrinsic to the damaged neuron. We have used cDNA microarrays to survey those genes induced during successful sciatic nerve regeneration. The small proline-rich repeat protein 1A (SPRR1A) is not detectable in uninjured neurons but is induced by >60-fold after peripheral axonal damage. The protein is localized to injured neurons and axons.sprr1a is one of a group of epithelial differentiation genes, including s100c and p21/waf, that are coinduced in neurons by axotomy. Overexpressed SPRR1A colocalizes with F-actin in membrane ruffles and augments axonal outgrowth on a range of substrates. In axotomized sensory neurons, reduction of SPRR1A function restricts axonal outgrowth. Neuronal SPRR1A may be a significant contributor to successful nerve regeneration.