HPV prevalence among partners of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

The objective of this study was to find HPV DNA incidence in women with CIN and normal women and in their respective partners, as well as the relation between the virus groups found in women with CIN or normal women and in their respective partners. Partners of 30 women with CIN at several grades and of 60 normal women were prospectively assessed. In men, HPV search was performed by collecting samples through penile scraping for Hybrid Capture, followed by peniscopic evaluation and biopsy of acetowhite lesions. The presence of HPV DNA in male partners does not necessarily implicate the presence of HPV or even CIN in their female partners. If these results are confirmed by other authors, obtaining a peniscopy, a penile biopsy, and a HPV DNA search in partners that present with no clinical lesions, but in couples with women having CIN, would not be warranted.