Brueckner-Bethe and variational calculations of nuclear matter

Results of both Brueckner-Bethe and variational calculations for the binding energy of nuclear matter as a function of density are presented for several recent nucleon-nucleon potentials. A detailed comparison is made for the Argonne v14 potential, the most realistic potential for which both methods have been used. The two methods agree reasonably well, with predicted saturation points of -17.8 MeV at 1.6 fm1 for the Brueckner-Bethe method, and -16.6 MeV at 1.7 fm1 for the variational method. The variational energies are 12 MeV above the Brueckner-Bethe energies for densities from 1.2 to 1.7 fm1. The results of Brueckner-Bethe calculations are also given for the Paris and Bonn potentials as well as results of variational calculations for the Urbana v14 potential. These potentials all give similar binding energy curves, and all saturate matter at a density significantly above the empirical value.