Cruciferous Vegetables, Isothiocyanates, and Prevention of Bladder Cancer

Approximately 80 % of human bladder cancers (BC) are non-muscle invasive when first diagnosed and are usually treated by transurethral tumor resection. But 50–80 % of patients experience cancer recurrence. Agents for prevention of primary BC have yet to be identified. Existing prophylactics against BC recurrence, e.g., Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), have limited efficacy and utility; they engender significant side effects and require urethral catheterization. Many cruciferous vegetables, rich sources of isothiocyanates (ITCs), are commonly consumed by humans. Many ITCs possess promising chemopreventive activities against BC and its recurrence. Moreover, orally ingested ITCs are selectively delivered to the bladder via urinary excretion. This review is focused on urinary delivery of ITCs to the bladder, their cellular uptake, their chemopreventive activities in preclinical and epidemiological studies that are particularly relevant to prevention of BC recurrence and progression, and their chemopreventive mechanisms in BC cells and tissues.