Bone marrow scanning with52iron (52Fe)—Regeneration and extension of marrow after ablative doses of radiotherapy

Extensively irradiated patients were studied from 0 to 73 months after irradiation by 52Fe bone marrow scanning. Marrow regeneration was observed in most patients after intervals of 12 months or longer. The degree of recovery was not dose‐related and the marrow ablative dose was not defined with doses of 4000–5000 rads. Degree of recovery depended more upon the antomic region and/or sequence of fields treated; the last field treated invariably showed poorer regeneration when recovery was uneven. Active erythropoiesis expanded into distal inactive erythropoietic sites from 3–12 months after irradiation and then decreased thereafter. Blood count cytopenias were almost always restricted to the first year after irradiation.