A colorimetric method for the enzymatic analysis of gases: The determination of ethanol and formaldehyde vapors using solid alcohol oxidase

A novel enzymatic approach to the direct determination of ethanol vapors in the gas phase is described. The system is composed of alcohol oxidase, peroxidase, and the color indicator 2,6-dichloroindophenol dispersed on microcrystalline cellulose (avicel). Simple devices are developed for the semiquantitative determination of ethanol in the breath. The devices are optimized to produce a sharp color change at a set time of 1 min for ethanol concentrations above the legal limit for driving (kinetic method) or a stable final color after 5 min (equilibrium method). Such color changes are detectable by simple visual observation. Using TLC plastic sheets and a transmittance densitometer, the system can also be used as a quantitative method for the determination of ethanol or formaldehyde vapors. Dehydrated enzymes may be useful for the analysis of hazardous gases.

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