The BUD2 mutation affects plant architecture through altering cytokinin and auxin responses in Arabidopsis

The ratio of auxin and cytokinin plays a crucial role in regulating aerial architecture by promoting or repressing axillary bud outgrowth. We have previously identified an Arabidopsis mutant bud2 that displays altered root and shoot architecture, which results from the loss-of-function of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 4 (SAMDC4). In this study, we demonstrate that BUD2 could be induced by auxin, and the induction is dependent on auxin signaling. The mutation of BUD2 results in hyposensitivity to auxin and hypersensitivity to cytokinin, which is confirmed by callus induction assays. Our study suggests that polyamines may play their roles in regulating the plant architecture through affecting the homeostasis of cytokinins and sensitivities to auxin and cytokinin.