Rectal Epstein-Barr virus-positive Hodgkin's lymphoma in a patient with Crohn's disease: Case report and review of the literature

We present the case of a 35-year-old man with Crohn's disease diagnosed at the age of 27, several months after an operation for small-bowel adenocarcinoma. Seven years after the adenocarcinoma diagnosis, the patient presented with severe continuous anal pain and diarrhea. In parallel with antibiotic administration, the patient was given treatment with Infliximab, but without clinical symptom amelioration. Sigmoidoscopy and subsequent biopsies from an ulcerated rectal area supported the diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus-positive (EBV(+)) primary Hodgkin's lymphoma. Infliximab administration was immediately discontinued and the patient underwent oncological follow-up and began a course of chemotherapy. Only a few cases with primary gastrointestinal Hodgkin's lymphoma in Crohn's disease patients have so far been reported, including a variety of scenarios on the causal relationship including disease duration, presence of EBV, long-term immunosuppressive treatment and, recently, anti-TNFα administration.