Complete regression of locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma induced by sorafenib allowing curative resection

We report two cases of locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with portal vein tumour thrombosis (PVTT) who complete regression by sorafenib treatment allowed curative resection. Two male adult (59 and 57 years) cirrhotic patients with HCC associated with PVTT including one with lymph node involvement had elevated α-fetoprotein level (AFP) (867 and 17 000) and were treated with standard sorafenib treatment during 10 and 12 months respectively. Size decrease of the main tumour, disappearance of PVTT and normalization of AFP allowed curative surgical resection. No viable tumour cells were found in the specimen and the two patients are currently alive without recurrence 12 and 16 months after surgery. These first two cases of complete tumour necrosis after sorafenib treatment allow us to reconsider surgical treatment in patients with unresectable HCC responding to this medical treatment.