Biopsychosocial correlates of lifetime major depression in a multiple sclerosis population

The objective of this paper was to evaluate the lifetime and point prevalence of major depression in a population-based Multiple Sclerosis (MS) clinic sample, and to describe associations between selected biopsychosocial variables and the prevalence of lifetime major depression in this sample. Subjects who had participated in an earlier study were re-contacted for additional data collection. Eighty-three per cent (n=136) of those eligible consented to participate. Each subject completed the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and an interviewer-administered questionnaire evaluating a series of biopsychosocial variables. The lifetime prevalence of major depression in this sample was 22.8%, somewhat lower than previous estimates in MS clinic populations. Women, those under 35, and those with a family history of major depression had a higher prevalence. Also, subject reporting high levels of stress and heavy ingestion of caffeine (>400 mg) had a higher prevalence of major depression. As this was a cross-sectional analysis, the direction of causal effect for the observed associations could not be determined. By identifying variables that are associated with lifetime major depression, these data generate hypotheses for future prospective studies. Such studies will be needed to further understand the etiology of depressive disorders in MS.