The gas at Braunschweig's sanitary landfill is extracted by means of 10 vertical wells and utilized by co-generation engines for the production of electricity and waste heat. After a working period of only 900–1000 engine hours the three internal combustion engines of the gas utilization plant were seriously damaged by corrosion. The results of intensive investigations for finding the cause of damage are herewith presented. Finally, relatively high contents of halocarbons were detected in the land-fill gas which would be converted to HCl in the engines. Possible measures to prevent more damages being caused by corrosion were studied. A research project to modify the engine oil and the materials used for parts of the engine was started. Several regular tests were carried out indicating positive tendencies. However, a partial purification of landfill gas will be necessary in order to at least guarantee the flaw-less operation of the plant on a long-term basis.