Transvaginal Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Urethral Diverticulum

We reviewed our experience with urethral diverticula and transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate female patients with this condition. All female patients who underwent transvaginal ultrasound during evaluation for urethral diverticulum at our institution between May 1995 and April 2002 were identified by searching a data base. We reviewed the diagnostic evaluation and compared diagnostic techniques with transvaginal ultrasound for diagnosing urethral diverticulum. Of the 25 patients with suspected urethral diverticulum who underwent transvaginal ultrasound as a diagnostic procedure 10 (40%) were diagnosed with urethral diverticulum, including 10 in whom it was confirmed by surgery or other diagnostic procedures. Transvaginal ultrasound was less expensive than the other diagnostic modalities and in no case did it miss a urethral diverticulum that was identified by another diagnostic technique. Urethral diverticulum was detected on 1 of 3 voiding cystourethrograms (33%) and this study missed the diagnosis in 1 case that was diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasound. Three cases of urethral diverticulum were noted on transvaginal ultrasound after they were missed by cystoscopy. Videourodynamics were unable to diagnose urethral diverticulum. Transvaginal ultrasound is effective for evaluating patients with suspected urethral diverticulum. It is less expensive and may identify diverticula missed by other diagnostic modalities.