The Archaeology of Achaemenid Power in Regional Western Anatolia

The Achaemenids conquered Anatolia in the sixth century bce. However, in contrast to the historical descriptions of political response to Achaemenid control, e.g. the so-called ‘Ionian revolt’ of east Greek territories in Western Anatolia, the operation of Achaemenid-period economies in this region remains obscure. Only a handful of occupation sites in western Turkey provide archaeological data contemporary with Achaemenid rule. In this paper, we compare the results of compositional analysis on Achaemenid-period ceramics from a provincial centre, Seyitömer, with comparable analyses from similar periods at Sardis and Gordion. During the period of Achaemenid control a comparatively high level of compositional and typological diversity at this provincial centre suggests a surprising increase in regional connectivity, both locally and with East Greek and Greek centres.