Aim. The features of phenotypic polymorphism Harmonia axyridis Pall. were studied. in the form of a pronotum and an imago elder as an invasive species on the territory of the village of Velyka Chernecha Sumy region of the Sumy region. Methods. The collection of the imago for two years was carried out manually using the route survey method in three directions (southern, southwest, and southeast) from the village center. Phenotypes were allocated according to the classification A.V. Blekhman. Distribution and analysis of phenomorphs on the drawing of the pronotum and the elite of the imago were carried out according to the classification of O.Yu. Kruglova. Results. The presence of 3 phenotypes Harmonia axyridis Pall. in the village is established: succinea, spectabilis, conspicua. According to the projitum and the elite of the imago, 14 and 22 phenoforms were detected, respectively. Conclusions. In the territory of the village of Velyka Chernecchina, there is a pronounced phenotypic variability of Harmonia axyridis Pall. according to the sketches of the pronotum and the imago elite, indicating the presence in the population of microevolutionary processes with a tendency to survive the phenophores with adaptations to stressful environmental factors, probably, it is possible to forecast forming of stable populyaciy of Harmonia axyridis Pall. on territory of the Sumy district.Keywords: Harmonia axyridis Pall., pronotum, elites, phenotypic variability.