Is there any association between Peyronie's disease and serum collagen markers?

Several theories regarding the pathogenesis of Peyronie's disease have been investigated under many clinical conditions. We have investigated the association of Peyronie's disease with the most common markers of collagen disease. Several serum markers of collagen disease (mucoproteins, C-reactive protein, antinuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor, lupus erythematosus cells, proteinograms) of 30 patients with Peyronie's disease were compared with those obtained from 30 patients, matched for age, with other urological conditions unrelated to the penis. Mucoproteins were altered in 66.7% of patients of the Peyronie's disease group and in 46.7% of the control patients (P>0.05). C-reactive protein was altered in 23.3% of the Peyronie's disease patients and in 13.3% of the control patients (P>0.05). Antinuclear antibody (ANA) was reactive in 16.7% of the tested group and in 6.7% of the control group (P>0.05). The rheumatoid factor was elevated in 6.7% of the patients from both groups (P>0.05). LE cells were normal in all the patients in our study. No statistical significance between the two groups was found in the protein electrophoresis test. Only the Waaler-Rose test (rheumatoid hemagglutination test) was statistically significant in our study (P<0.05). We have not found any significant association between the serum markers of collagen diseases in patients with Peyronie's disease, except the rheumatoid hemagglutination test (Waaler-Rose).