In this paper, fundamental properties and parameters of water molecules, fine “structure” of water, hydration of ions and nature of the hydrogen bond are reviewed. A model is outlined of possible mechanisms of the effect of relatively weak magnetic fields on the statistically mean number of hydrogen bonds between water molecules, as a result of forbidden tripletsinglet transitions in the Zeeman electronproton multiplets of the water molecule and its near surroundings. The effect of the influence of the magnetic field on the ioncolloidal subsystems of aqueous environment are analysed. It is shown that the energy of magnetic dipole interaction of colloidal particles of the magnetite type is sufficient for their flocculation and concentration in areas of high gradient of the magnetic field, and for their stability against hydrodynamic disruption of the flocs, possible centres of crystallisation of CaCO3 On the basis of the proposed calculations, and also based on data presented by other authors,particularly from exSoviet Union, conditions and regimes of antiscale magnetic treatment of water are reviewed.