The Complex Formation between Escherichia coli Aminoacyl‐tRNA, Elongation Factor Tu and GTP

The interaction between Escherichia coli aminoacyl‐tRNAs and elongation factor Tu (EF‐Tu) · GTP was examined. Ternary complex formation with Phe‐tRNAPhe and Lys‐tRNALys was compared to that with the respective misaminoacylated Tyr‐tRNAPhe and Phe‐tRNALys. There was no pronounced difference in the efficiency of aminoacyl‐tRNA · EF‐Tu · GTP complex formation between Phe‐tRNAPhe and Tyr‐tRNAPhe. However, Phe‐tRNALys was bound preferentially to EF‐Tu · GTP as compared to Lys‐tRNALys. This was shown by the ability of EF‐Tu · GTP to prevent the hydrolysis of the aminoacyl ester linkage of the aminoacyl‐tRNA species. Furthermore, gel filtration of ternary complexes revealed that the complex formed with the misaminoacylated tRNALyS was also more stable than the one formed with the correctly aminoacylated tRNALys. Both misaminoacylated aminoacyl‐tRNA species could participate in the ribosomal peptide elongation reaction. Poly(U)‐directed synthesis of poly(Tyr) using Tyr‐tRNAPhe occurred to a comparable extent as the synthesis of poly(Phe) with Phe‐tRNAPhe. In the translation of poly(A) using native Lys‐tRNALys, poly(Lys) reached a lower level than poly(Phe) when Phe‐tRNALyS was used. It is concluded that the side‐chain of the amino acid linked to a tRNA affects the efficiency of the aminoacyl‐tRNA · EF‐Tu · GTP ternary complex formation.